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Weekly Services

8:00 AM - Quiet Holy Communion 
10:00 AM - Family Holy Communion with music

12:00PM - Holy Communion with
                   Anointing of the Sick

What to wear:
At the Sunday morning services, many people dress in traditional "church clothes" including jackets and/or ties for men and dresses, skirts, or slacks for women but it's not unusual to find other attendees in jeans, polos, or more casual attire, especially the youth. You are welcome at any service, no matter your apparel.

What to expect during the service: You will be greeted and handed a bulletin as you enter the church which has all the readings, prayers and hymns for that service. In the pew there is a fold-down kneeler that is used during certain parts of the service. The bulletin will instruct when to stand, sit or kneel. During the offertory, a plate will go around. Pass it on to the person next to you or to the usher at the end of the row. During communion, we come to the front of the church and kneel at the rail. To take communion, cup your hands to receive the bread. You may dip your bread in the wine cup or take a sip. If you do not wish to take communion, simply cross your hands in front of your chest and you will receive a blessing. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion. At the end of the service, leave through the main doors where there will be a member of the clergy waiting to greet you.